Identity Politics: Impact versus Intent, 2.75 of 4

I have written previous posts, posts about these topics. Part one is here, two is here, two (.5) is here. I also wrote about Crenshaw here.

I have changed my mind a great deal on these matters since I committed to writing about them. Here, I think about the cultural trends indicated by some of these things.

Slight spoilers, below, for the show The Expanse. Continue reading

Excerpt #26 — Charles Taylor on How the “We” for Whom The State Exists Cannot Be a Mere Aggregate

I expect to get back to the question of intention vs. impact soon, as I have two posts left before that series is completed. In the meantime, I have several posts that are nearly finished, and which I’ll release first — including this one, which is relevant to those intention-vs-impact entries. 

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The Burden of Unfinished Things

Things that are unfinished are like abandoned things in a number of respects; they accumulate, and occupy spaces that could be free for other items or projects; they can also become the house for an entire ecology of thoughts to grow –and self-development to occur– that might not be possible otherwise. They are unlike abandoned things insofar as there is still living intention to finish them, and insofar as they have not grown into disrepair.

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Identity Politics: Intersectionality

Here, a brief post concerning a TED talk by Kimberlé Crenshaw on Intersectionality.

I just delivered a paper at a conference here in Boston that took up all of the time I wasn’t devoting to my family or to my schooling, so I’ve been negligent with getting parts three & four of the “Impact vs. Intent” series out. In the meanwhile, something about intersectionality.

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Identity Politics: Impact versus Intent, 2.5 of 4

Continuing from the first half of Part 2.

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